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Sunday's . . . What are They Good For?

Hey there! Hope your Sunday is great.

I get it, Sunday is for the normal family activities BUT it is also for preparing for a new week. Work and school . . . In a few hours you'll be back at it so why not use Sunday evening as wind down and Meal Prep time?

The kids get their backpacks ready for Monday and you are probably getting snacks etc ready for them to grab and go . . . . so why shouldn't YOU be as prepared with your own Grab and Go Healthy items??

The answer is . . . YOU SHOULD BE! And frankly, if you have any desire at all to be healthy and possibly lose a pound or two, you REALLY NEED to get in the HABIT of food prepping. This way you can control what goes in your mouth. If you are subject to finding food after you're already starving . . . trust me, you'll eat whatever and most likely it WON'T be healthy.

Here is an easy one you can start with: DIY Chicken Bowls

Ingredients: makes 4 servings

2 or 3 chicken breasts (skinless / boneless)

1 cup cooked quinoa

1 large avocado

1 cup black beans (drained/rinsed)

1/2 cup corn (drained)

1/4 cup diced purple onion

1/2 cup diced tomato

1 bag of spinach

chopped cilantro (as much as you like)

1 lime

chopped or thin sliced jalapeno (optional)

taco seasoning mix packet (make sure there is NO sugar)



garlic salt or powder


Boil your chicken breasts. Once cooled, shred the meat. Heat in skillet with taco seasoning (and a little bit of water to keep it moist.)

Cook your quinoa according to package (I like to use low sodium, free range chicken broth instead of water). Once it's cooked put it in a dish with salt, pepper, some of the cilantro and lime. Mix.

Mix black beans, corn, onion, tomato, cilantro, jalapeno and garlic powder or salt. Season to taste.

Divide quinoa and chicken into 4 portions. Add your black bean mixture, a small handful of spinach to the side, 1/4 of avocado per bowl, a piece of lime for later and BOOM . . . you've got 4 lunches for the week. For Friday take something different so you don't get burnt out.


Skip the cheese . . . you already have the fat in the avocado.

Avoid any sugary sauces.

Other ideas: green onion, bell pepper, broccoli, any other green leafy lettuce, chopped cabbage, shrimp, shredded carrots . . . .

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